Thursday, September 17, 2015

Returned to Spiritual Alignment

"And most important, have the courage
to follow our heart and intuition."

Steve Jobs

Sincere relationship with the heart creates a rapport enhanced with insight, guidance, and encouragement.  There is no longer a sense of being alone as our open heart creates compassion for our lovely selves and others.  From the heart, we are guided to see the similarities between all peoples and to embrace the differences.  We are all one, but each of us is called to be authentic.

Intimate conversation with our heart or soul is not enough.  We must follow where we are nudged to go.  We may have to tune out the criticism of others as well as our own personal fears.  Our hearts' desires will lead us onto a path of discovery.  Being guided does not protect us from challenge, but helps us to navigate with integrity.

The joy of being propelled along our personal path with other kindred spirits surrounds the earth with peace.  We will be faced with challenge, followed by forgiveness and release.   Through love, we are returned to spiritual alignment.

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