Monday, January 19, 2015

The Cross Fire

"Love is the only force capable 
of transforming our enemy 
into our friend."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Competitiveness is healthy just as diversity is inspiring.  In both, respect is necessary.   It is time to recognize a common thread running through all of us.  Not one of us wishes to be harmed, starved, or beaten.  Not one of us wishes to see our children tortured or crucified.  And every one of us believes God is on 'our' side.  

People are starving and children are being tortured, and it is beyond human reasoning for it to be tolerated on any soil.  We choose to  minimize, deny, and avoid.  The underlying factor is fear.  Until fear is replaced by compassion and a loving outreached hand, we will all be caught in the cross fire.

"Blessed be the peacemakers."

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