Thursday, January 15, 2015

Unexpected Finish Line

"The truth is that we need relationships, but we don't need every relationship.  Surround yourself with positive people who bring you up, rather than drag you down.  You don't have to sacrifice your sanity because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings.  You don't have to be controlled by your own kindness."   Women Who Run With The Moon

Relationships are the vehicle in which we learn to navigate through life.   Some rides are joyful, while others, not so much.   Determined, we try to keep the vehicle on the right road, and in the right lane without taking any wrong turns.  Yet, some just stop at an unexpected finish line.

Some relationships unfold quite naturally as though we have known each other endlessly.  Then there are those we strive to perfect, stretch to be more than who we really are, and they disintegrate before our very eyes. Blessed are those who remain treasured even though long spans of time interrupt.

We probably remember the relationships when we were discarded, but carry little memory of those we left on our own.  There are those we will never ever forget, and then those just so brief we have no  recollection at all.

In all relationships, whether business, social, private or casual, we too frequently overlook the ones that are not particularly supportive to us for one reason or another.  Perhaps we  cannot put our finger upon a definite reason to excuse ourselves, and so it goes on and on.  We fear we might hurt someones feelings so we remain stuck.

The most important relationship we have is to ourselves.  Unfortunately, we disrespect our own preferences and tolerate others to the point of harm.  It is important to acknowledge what is supporting us and what is not.  We need to end toxic relationships and  make room for new.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, yet it is often difficult to discern how a relationship is truly affecting us. Once we recognize it is toxic, we need the fortitude to let go. Blessings to you!
