Thursday, January 29, 2015

Denial About Resources

"When you allow others to benefit from your strength and experience, you make the
world a better place.  When you take what you know and use it to support others, you 
will be able to serve others."

Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Our media is so focused on the violence bubbling in our society, they neglect to highlight the good works accomplished by others in addition to their day job.  Kevin Costner is an actor, singer, director and producer, but he took the time to present a better way to remove oil slicks from the ocean and it was implemented readily.  Sean Penn bought a mansion in Haiti, then filled it with workers to help him rebuild homes for the people left in tents after disaster struck.  (He lives in one small room and shares a bathroom.)  Jessica Biel vocalist and actress focused on cleaner water in Haiti, and Matt Damon put in place a cleaner water system.  Then there is the organization of Doctors Without Borders extending their skills to help those in need.  There are many people gathering to support others in need.  Even young grade school children are raising money in inventive ways to help the poor.

It may be tempting to keep our insights, skills, and projects very private in order to claim full credit, but what if we carefully shared these insights, skills, and projects with others?  A circle of gathered interest can expand ideas and bring them into a higher and more vibrant reality.  So the choice is ours.  We can either  share our amazing ideas to help others or we can die with them safely tucked into our heart.

Rather than dismissing ourselves as a resource as we don't have connections or money, focus on what we can do.  Volunteer.  Clean out a cupboard or closet and donate.  Shovel a neighbors driveway.  Pay a neighbor down on his luck to shovel other neighbors driveways.  There is always something a person can do.  We are simply avoiding responsibility for human kind by living in denial about what resources we have.

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