Sunday, January 18, 2015

Extinction of Balance

"A balanced lifestyle is simply a state of being
in which one has time and energy of obligations and pleasures."

Madisyn Taylor

It is ever so easy to be pulled off balance.  Exhausted, we take an unscheduled break only to rebound  immersing ourselves into all that now awaits.  Our lives become like a pendulum swinging back and forth between indulging in pleasure and work over load.  When we fall into exhaustion, it is rarely a pleasant excursion.  It is more like a total pass out, simply to restore our lapsed flow of energy.  When we awaken from our long winter's nap, we still have not indulged in any form of pleasure to restore our sense of creativity or passion.  We go directly back to work until we once again collapse into a deep sleep.

Ideally, we strive to maintain equal portions of dedication and self-care.  Preferably, we invest in our obligations, but not to the point of exhaustion.  While we still have a portion of energy remaining, we turn to pleasure to rejuvenate our sense of quality living.  

Inspiration can easily be missed when our brains are fried and our free time is spent sluggishly going through motions, longing for reprieve.  Unfortunately, we choose to meet our professional  needs prior to our personal, which leaves personal time vulnerable to daily extinction.  

If we do not wish to lose our vitality, we can arrange our schedules to include time for both work and play.  The time slots may not be of equal distribution, but to maintain some sense of balance, we must respect any available time just to be.  We must deliberately choose to honor our selves, even if it is just a few passing moments.  

We tell ourselves the story:  I must be dedicated, determined, and relentless to finish this project.  I cannot pause or I will lose my sense of direction or thread of invention.  I will work until I collapse when there is completion.

Balance:  I am dedicated, determined, and relentless to complete this project.  I will allow relaxing periods away from this work, so when I return I will have fresh insight and plenty of creative energy.  

The choice to have a balanced life style is the responsibility of every individual.  Get creative and determine ways to refresh in spite of commitments.  Just fifteen minutes of silent contemplation, yoga, reading or journaling at the beginning of the day can make all the difference in our world.

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