Friday, January 16, 2015

Unwrap The Inner Packaging

"You must find the place inside of yourself
where nothing is impossible."

Deepak Chopra

During a conversation, a woman I revere encouraged me to: "Be the voice behind the voice; be the wisdom behind the wisdom; and to be the power behind the power."  I wrote these words down on paper, but they stayed in my head for quite some time.  

"Be the voice behind the voice ..."  
What does this really mean?  It seems to indicate an inner depth to me.  The automatic responses I hear within may simply be ego.  I then began to find many situations where I was not being authentic, only reciting words.  When I did remember to create a pause prior to speaking, I was amazed at how many times I felt no need to say anything at all.  

"Be the wisdom behind the wisdom ..."  
I thoroughly enjoy deep communication and learn from others when they share wisdom.  It is how I learn; however, as I began to be conscious of the words I spoke, I discovered that I was not always following my own advice.  It is one thing to know wisdom, and quite another to be wisdom.

"Be the power behind the power ..."
There are situations in my life where I feel quite powerful and I do not mean physically.  Unfortunately, there are just as many other areas where I know I have power, but I do not feel it deeply.  This contrast comes from thinking too small or from minimizing.  The responsibility to step into personal power can be life changing.

When I embraced these three statements, really accepted them as a part of me, my confidence soared. Each statement supports the sense that we have an inner voice, a higher self, or a spiritual spark deep inside.  We have a knowing perspective that is really drowned out when we are not being aware.  This inner self is the voice, wisdom and power.  They are part of our inner packaging and the packaging needs to be unwrapped!

1 comment:

  1. You nailed it! I'm not a big Deepak Chopra fan, but this fits with what you wrote and your words resonate so deeply... Packaging does need to be unwrapped. Very nice!
