Monday, January 12, 2015

The Personal Path of True Nature

"People will look for the key, the right method
that will get them enlightened.  They search for
the door to enlightenment, and not finding it,
they may give up."


In earlier times, I remember experiencing great anticipation prior to attending a gathering around a Master or Teacher or Guru.  I had a deep desire to be awakened through attendance and being in the presence of someone greater than myself.  Admittedly, when one shares time and space with others and a spiritual leader, lessons are deepened and visions appear, but they still are supplements to our personal path of true nature.

When we seek the experiences of others, when we long to obtain the key to unlock the mystical door, we are not headed towards the heart of personal enlightenment.  The wisdom we seek already exists  inside  each of us, and we must travel the road that leads within.

I can be found in most any straggling line for attendance at a spiritual gathering, but my intention is to broaden my understanding and discern what resonates for me.  We must not be spoon fed deep beliefs, but rather experience them personally.  When we delve within our own nature, silence the mind, and remain in awareness, we travel the road towards our deepest yearning.


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