Friday, January 30, 2015

Silent Companion Tracks Progress

"Take it a step further by keeping a log
or journal, tracking your progress."

Chris Cade

When carrying out a goal, keeping a log is an excellent aid.  If we write in it every day, (whether it is on your phone or computer or notebook), we are creating a supportive tool.  There are some days we excel and on other occasions we fall short of our goal.  It is important to jot down notes in either situation.  As time moves along, it is encouraging to look back over entries being reminded of how challenges surfaced and how we made it through the barriers.  This history of meeting our goal, will support us by recalling earlier trial and error.

At a later time, we may come across this account of progress and it will rekindle good thoughts about ourselves.  We will be reminded of how we struggled, but persevered.  In our note taking, if we include additional information, more insight into when we fell off track and why will be available.  Equally, it will reflect what contributed to making us stronger.

When we record benchmarks, they don't have to be formally written or perfect punctuation.  As long as we can understand the shorthand we choose, it is all good. Our comments do not have to be long and lengthy, but the more we add, the more assistance it will be.  The log can be a silent companion on our journey.

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