Monday, January 20, 2014

The First Day of The Rest of My Life


"Come, my friends,
'tis not too late
to seek a newer world ...
We are one equal temper of heroic hearts."
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
This morning I awakened to the first day of the rest of my life.  While still warm in bed, I knew all of my random reading from yesterday, and exploring of inner landscapes had finally reconnected me with the sacred heart of reason.
For months now, I have seen a cloud of darkness hovering near me.  Within it all of my worst fears, anxious memories, and disturbing actions clustered together looming over me.  I had dealt with each of these on separate occasion believing I had successfully eradicated the muck for good.  Now, all of it gathered together once again to test what I had learned along the painful way. 
The darkness descended upon me, and although I was not afraid, I was deeply discouraged to be doing battle with so many dead foes, once again.  Emotions rubbed me raw, leaving me to feel totally drained and exhausted.  I slept for days, trying to gather energy to live through betrayal, death, and rebirth.  In dream time, all signs pointed to what I already knew and the necessity to get up, move through illusions, and finally find my way.
In desperation, I turned to random resources such as:  Virginia Satir, Georgia O'Keeffe, Mark Nepo, Alan Cohen, Jesus the Christ, and all things Mary.  In these writings, I looked for roadways to lead me into a healthy Divine Connection.  Roads that had been traveled before, safely advancing me on my way.
Alan Cohen said, "Help me remember that my inner world is where real change occurs." I knew this, but had not fully applied it. It was lodged in my brain, never reaching my heart.  Mark Nepo reminded, "... uncover that original center and how to live there once it is restored." 
As I began to weave spiritual beliefs together, I was reminded of how human beings cannot function by living in the spiritual world at all times.  We are here to experience down to earth living, not removed into total Divine Connection.  The equation I came up with can be used either way.  We can be under water for a given amount of time, but we need to come up for a breath.  We can master meditation obtaining spiritual dialogue, but eventually if you are human, one must be grounded to nourish the body as well. 
As human beings, it is not an either or situation.  It is learning balance to uplift the human experience into the light, but also to bring Divine Light down into the human existence.  Obviously, this creates the balance of body, mind, and spirit. 
So at the end of this dip into darkness, I realize I already know what I need to know.  It is a matter of remembering in every given moment to be a human being living with light.  It is to move through each day with the sacred heart of reason.  The obvious remedy is to relocate my thinking center from my head and into my heart.

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