Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Highlight of the Day

Today is a stay at home day.  There is nothing on my agenda either social or personal.  There are hours of time stretching before me, allowing spontaneity to lead the way.  I cannot resist writing for awhile, sipping my morning brew and reading my morning inspirations. 
Next I am in the kitchen, being nudged by my domestic side.  Placing my apron around my waist I notice  I am still in my pajamas.  A luxury indeed! So I decide on home made potato soup, my winter favorite of hearty soups.  Tomorrow I will make my second favorite, chicken noodle. 
After the muffins are done and the batch of cookies cool, I shed my domesticated interests for other parts unknown.  I water my plants, trying to silently communicate a sense of nurturing and a plea for them to survive. 
Wandering around my home, the idea strikes me to spike up my level of energy.  I sit quietly calling in the light, filling my body from head to toe, and spilling out into the space around me.  I gently hold my hands out on either side of me, and gracefully walk through every room, cleansing it and renewing the energy.  I am left feeling light hearted and supported in my space.
I suppose at this point I could choose to ground myself, but I would rather meditate and bask in the altered state I have placed myself in.  Suspended in time, visualizations come and go, strengthening my connection with all there is.  Some might call this a prayerful state or a state of bliss. 
Nothing to do, and no where to go.  I will gently float in and out of this Divine Presence of Light.  I am more at home here than anywhere.  All else falls away, as I know this to be the highlight of my day.

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