Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In Union With The Divine

"I am being driven forward
Into an unknown land.
The pass grows steeper,
The air colder and sharper.
A wind from my unknown goal
Stirs the strings
Of expectation.
Still the question:
Shall I ever get there?
There where life resounds,
A clear pure note
In the silence."
Dag Hammarskjold
Today I will release the year of 2013, and embrace the New Year of 2014.  Months are ahead to be filled with challenges and inspirations.  So many days are awaiting the arrival of new attitude and destination. 
As I sit in the silence in front of the fireplace, I feel eager to design new intentions and routes to where I want to go.  I send kind thoughts forward into the new year, accompanied by safety, kindness, and collaboration.  I imagine a new momentum to keep me traveling in the best direction to use my passion in dealings with my family, friends, and community.   I send endless prayers across the world to children who hunger and to those who live in desperation.  Chants bubble up from within carrying a vibration for peace in the hearts of all. 
Today I will especially try to feel all of my blessings and attempt to derive the best use of them.  I will be grateful to all of the magnificent authors and teachers who impact my life.  I am deeply thankful for my writers group, THE BOOK WHORES, for all their support, encouragement, sharing, and laughter.  My circle of women create the bookmarks in my life. 
There is much to be grateful and thankful about and this recognition  lifts my heart in union with the Divine.  I will hopefully continue to be a verb, allowing spirit to place me wherever I am needed or wherever I need to be.  I anticipate to once again be a vessel for Divine light to pass through me like air through a tunnel.  I wish to share the light that passes through me to connect with others, to keep our lights growing.
To all of you, I wish peace in your heart.  Accept weakness, and embrace strengths.  Together, we can and will bring Peace on Earth.

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