Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blowing Bubbles

Growth is painful
Change is painful.
But nothing is as painful
as staying stuck
somewhere you don't belong.
Mandy Hale
It takes more energy to remain stuck then it does to move forward into the unknown.  Once we begin the motion of moving forward, we build a momentum that will help us on our way.  The sense of freedom replaces suppression while thoughts of possibilities erase self-imposed limitations.
Once we have created a new sense of being, we wonder why we remained stagnant for so long.  We speculate as to how fear can be so powerful over us.  When we are no longer distracted by negativity, our energy stirs creative images to build new beginnings. 
Holding hope as our solitary escape without taking any form of action is futile.  We need a dream no matter how faint, to begin an awareness of something better.  We can expand upon the vision so it infiltrates our waking thoughts.  When we support our focus with research or collaboration, the concept begins to take form.  We seem to attract like minded people or begin to experience synchronized moments joining our intention with motion.   
There are times when we may come close to giving up our endeavor as a simple pipe dream.  We may feel discouraged, so we need to turn to our spiritual connection.  We can ask for additional guidance, creative ideas to enhance the work we have already prepared, or a sign of what our next step might be.  Remembering that Divine Spirit does not respond necessarily in our time frame, we must be patient and aware for suggestions to appear in a variety of forms. 
If we continue to feel dead ended, we can take a few steps back.  Broaden the view of what remains to be accomplished and seek out new perspectives.  Our vision can become too narrow  or too broad and we can make adjustments accordingly.  We must be willing to be flexible in order to uncover the best possible approach. 
While working on a project we can be our own worst enemy.  It is helpful to cut random pieces of paper and jot down affirmations to be stored in a jar.  When we hit a slump, we can pull out one of the slips of paper to regain our positive outlook. 
The best antidote for me is my bubble machine.  I love to fill it up with liquid soap, turn it on and watch bubbles delicately float through the air.  It is fun to hear people walking by laugh and become light hearted about the bubbles suddenly floating to the sky.  Buy a bottle of bubbles to keep on hand.  Allow the mind to relax and idly watch the delicate colors float by.

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