Friday, December 27, 2013

Wiggle Room


Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are
appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible ~ the kind of
atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.
Virginia Satir


Some of us have been blessed with relatives who have been supportive and encouraging throughout our life; however, many of us have found a truer sense of family in the friends we have gathered along the way.  The emphasis really needs to be placed on providing ourselves a peaceful atmosphere no matter who the humans happen to be.  

If we do not feel as though we have any source of positive support, we need to expand our circle of contacts.  Whether we attend a different church, join a book club, or discover a new group of interesting people.  If we are lacking, then we must pick up the slack and provide.

I will once again refer to one of my favorite thoughts about being a verb rather than a noun for spirit.  A noun sits in place waiting to be provided.  A verb allows spirit to move around increasing the opportunities for connection.  We must do our part.

So during this holiday season, if we find ourselves discouraged by the lack of support or acceptance, reach out in a new way.  When we put ourselves in motion, Divine Spirit can navigate circumstances more easily.  We can meet anyone at any twist or turn so just move about. 

One of my favorite stories about connection was given to me by a one time neighbor.  She was not been in relationship and was lonely.  She tried to remain active in hopes of meeting new people.  One day, she stopped at an ATM which happened to be in the process of repair.  She began chatting with the gentleman working on the machine and much to their surprise, they felt an immediate connection.  They later married.

So don't try to orchestrate everything on the agenda.  Leave some wiggle room for the Universe to provide.  We may find some of the strangers we pass every day are potential friends just waiting to meet.  Be nice and let the light shine!

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