Saturday, December 14, 2013

Humility Conquers Ego


Our personal breakthroughs teach us how to see present challenges or difficulties in a new light as we learn to acknowledge the opportunities we are given to stretch beyond our former limitations.  Our understanding of how we operate in the world is increased as we gather more of our awareness and balanced self-esteem into present time, using those gifts to discover harmony and wholeness. New points of balance are achieved as we heal and refine our lives.

Jamie Sams

If we are paying attention, we will find ourselves throughout life cycling in and out of learning opportunities.  Some lessons are revisited so many times, we almost laugh and say, "Not again!" It is no wonder that a spiral is one of life's many symbols. 

With each accomplished lesson, we have healed a small part of ourselves.  Maybe even a little corner of pain we did not fully realize was there.  With each completion, we are altered to a certain degree.  New growth triggers a shedding of the old.

As we grow more confident and aware of these opportunities requiring us to shift gears, we are also more flexible in our thinking.  We can piece together was is unfolding and with discernment, choose wisely to enhance our spirit. 

With these patterns of growth, our compassion grows towards both ourselves as well as to others.  In recreating our intentions as we travel through challenges, humility conquers ego. 
"I" morphs into "we" and "my" becomes "our".  We easily come to see not our individual face in a mirror, but the mirror becomes a window opening  out into the world seen as one.

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