Saturday, December 28, 2013

Fine Tuning


"There are sounds to seasons.
There are sounds to places
and there are sounds to every
time in one's life."
Alison Wyrley Birch
Music can be  a tool for relaxing and calming. It can liven  things up if you play rock and roll, hip-hop, rap or even polkas.  Hymns can help people mourn, celebrate, and praise.   Wedding songs can touch hearts of the young and old.  With each season and with every cycle, certain music can be associated  with memories triggering either sadness or joy.
When I was trained in the use of tuning forks, I read that earlier in history, people heard all necessary tones to keep themselves balanced through church songs, cultural lyrics, bells in towers, and more solitude to hear daily the sounds in nature. 
Our society has changed a great deal, and these tones for balancing are no longer heard on any kind of regular basis.  So by learning the skill to use tuning forks, I was able to experiment with friends, family, and myself  with different tones and how they impacted our physical, mental and spiritual balance. 
Sound healing has been used by massage therapists, energy workers, and other professionals as background music to calm the client as well as the working atmosphere.  When I visit my dentist, I can even choose what kind of music I want to listen to in the room.   There are some people who even pre-select their favorite music for their funeral service.
We can monitor ourselves while driving our car.  If we are up tight, then turn the radio off or choose a favorite CD.  If we find ourselves running low on energy and have several errands yet to run, turn on some bright and cheery sounds.  And if feeling lonely, turn on some old tunes and dance like no one is watching!


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