Monday, February 25, 2013

Fog of Fear

The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.
C. JoyBell C.
Historically, the strength of men has been portrayed as a physical quality.   The strength of women has been viewed more as an emotional or mental quality.  We can look at a man and physically be aware of his strength, but woe is the one looking upon a smaller woman and not being aware of her endless strength.
To be a strong female was a requirement in my life, even though my strength was often hidden.
I did not necessarily need for others to know of my strength, but it was vital for me to maintain this quality.  I have been overwhelmed, and challenged.  It is not in the falling down that strength is required.  It is needed for the standing back up.  The strength to move forward, once again, requires every ounce of strength within the body, mind, and spirit.
It becomes exhausting to be the strong one all of the time.  Some where along the line, the decision is made to stop protecting others and defending the self.   The longing to 'just be' becomes greater than the fear of being vulnerable.  By allowing the strength to become balanced, energy can be used in the discovery of self-identification. 
All of the concern once lavished on others can now be used to nurture personal unfolding.  While polishing off the old comments from others, we rediscover the gifts we have had all along.  We strive to become more creative with our life and as the Universe supports us, we care less and less about what others may be thinking or saying.  We develop a self-appreciation that has been long in coming.  We are amazed to finally feel a sense of worthiness, and to give our self permission to take up space in this world.
As we begin to live in each moment, we realize there is no need for a protective shield.  We have the strength to address challenges as they come and go, letting falseness pass right through us.  We no longer hold the illusion of life trying to harm us.  We create calm by embracing the richness that waits beyond the confusing fog of fear.

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