Monday, February 11, 2013

Psychological Resistance

Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon; suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what is... The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds.
Dan Millman 
There is much in life we resist, primarily change that could possibly alter our comfort zone.  We like to feel safe as we can feel more creative and exploratory.  When unknown change abruptly appears, we meet it with resistance rather than facing what it brings. 
Even when the change has been initiated by our own merits, there is some element of risk.  The change may even be welcomed, but there will be a small part of us lingering in the familiar with the slightest resistance.
Resistance can be based in fear and lack of trust.  In life, change is a constant teacher.  The greater the resistance, the more complex the lesson becomes. We can strive to face change with an open heart and not simply react out of fear.
Every morning upon awakening, we can ask Spirit to help  us be alert to the challenges brought to us.  We can trust what is brought to us means us no harm, but deeper understanding of our selves and the world.  This does not mean condoning every change, but pausing to make decisions without fear.
Greeting life with resistance rather than trust keeps us in choppy waters instead of being in the flow.  It is like  trying to swim up stream, going against the current, and avoiding what will only resurface another time.  Resistance makes life more difficult and we are not as capable of remaining in alignment with body, mind, and spirit. 
We are referring to psychological resistance, not physical.  Psychological resistance is a choice based in fear.  Feelings that surface are often rooted in our past from other experiences.  These unresolved emotions from the past can easily distort our present reality.  This is why there is great importance in living in each moment ... not the past, and not the future ... in the present moment.

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