Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunset Celebration, Key West

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do
by the things you did do.  So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.      Mark Twain
To attend the Sunset Celebration in Key West is truly an experience.  It is held every evening at Mallery Square. There are a variety of musicians singing or playing instruments, artists displaying their work, jugglers, mimes, and vendors galore.  The best attraction, however, is the gorgeous sun gently falling down into the ocean.  It truly is a remarkable site. 
Standing at the edge of the ocean, I watch the sailboats glide by and then yachts bigger than my imagination head for other destinations.  In time, my eyes become mesmerized by the rays of the brilliant sun.  My skin feels that special warmth of sunshine and my nose sniffs the salty ocean air.  My ears begin to  filter out all of the various languages competing with the music and the audience's applause. 
Blocking everything possible out, I can feel the sun pulling me to blend with its magnificent glow.  My inner light grows and extends out, reaching for the sun.  For a short time I journey with the falling sun, until it seems to be absorbed by the waves of the ocean.  I immediately feel the absence of the sun, and even though surrounded by others, I am left feeling alone.
During the winter in Illinois, I miss the sun shining on my face.  To not feel the warmth of the sun I begin to shrivel rather than coming alive each day from  a good stretch and reach for the sun.  I feel as though I am a plant beginning to wither.
Laughter and music begin to call me back to the celebration.  Mingling with so many people alerts me of my need to leave the ever growing crowd.  The slow long walk back to our little rented abode gives me ample time to store the rays of the sun warmly within me until I  can greet the next day.

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