Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Kindred Spirit at the Intimate Concert at Historic Casa Antigua

Noel Paul Stookey
Peter, Paul and Mary
(See note below) 
When Russ told me he had acquired tickets to the Noel "Paul" Stookey concert (sold out) to  be held at the turn of the century private garden at the Historic Casa Antigua, I was extremely pleased.  At that time, however, I had no idea how the concert would validate my true sense of self.
The concert was a benefit for the Florida Keys Arts, specifically for Art Council Grant Programs.  The surroundings were a private garden with a simple one man stage.  I recognized Paul immediately.  He had aged well and it was hard for me to believe he was ten years older than myself.  His voice was just as rich and tender as I remembered, and his guitar playing was mesmerizing as we watched from the front row. 
As the old familiar words floated into my heart, I began to have vivid memories of my younger self.  I was able to recall  how these lyrics were aligned with my belief system as a teen and just how deeply I knew them to be truth.  It suddenly occurred to me that my beliefs were not just some carry over from the Bohemian Coffee House Poets or the Hippie Movement or Anti-War or New Age periods.  The words being softly delivered, touching the audiences very souls, made me aware, once again, I was truly me.  My views of today are better researched and formulated today but were based in the same earlier desires for honoring diversity, love not weapons, loving our land, and freedom for all.  I felt very validated sitting in the small audience, knowing that all  of us had been awakened to a former passion from so many years ago.  The past had become alive once again.  I was happy to acknowledge that I had remained truly me.
Noel Paul  Stookey presented several new songs that I had not heard prior to this "MUSIC from the HEART" concert.  His lyrics held the same desires with even deeper sentiments.  Through the lyrics and the chords he played, the audience could feel his passion that has held true over the years.  Who he was this evening on that stage, was a kindred spirit.  I longed to ask him questions about his long and dedicated path.  I wanted to know how he overcame being discouraged as we were faced with the same issues today (love, peace, acceptance) that he faced for the last forty years.  I was curious how he maintained his gentle nature and what kept him moving forward in these his later years.  He did say that it only took one man and his guitar to deliver a message we all needed to hear. 
Deeply moved by his performance, I felt a rush of creative expression and the strong desire to carry these themes further out into the world.  The synchronicity of his values being mirrored in many of my past and current writings assured me I was on the right track.  It was exhilarating to know seeds had been planted in me so long ago and diversity of others grew those seeds.  My strong sense of love and equality might not have been original, but I was born with the fertile ground, waiting for these seeds to sprout. 
Peter, Paul, and Mary had growing popularity as folk singers in the early 1960's. Their lyrics were passionate about freedom and brotherly/sisterly love. Their guitar melodies were just as heartfelt. The trio opened for Martin Luther King, Jr on the day he was killed which deepened their message of peace not war.
As a teen, I loved their music. The ballads were so easy to sing joining the hearts of the audience with the compassion of the musical artists. Much to my delight, I was able to see the trio perform live in Chicago, forever embedding them in my memory. One never loses track of loved music, but my path did not cross with this music again until the mid-nineties when I saw Peter perform in Salt Lake City, Utah. The words to his songs were reawakened in my heart and the full audience increased the intensity by passionately singing along. Mary died around three years ago, but up until then, Peter, Paul, and Mary continued to perform with their same commitment and dedication to love and peace.
****Peter, Paul and Mary song titles
There are many more song titles, but these are songs you may remember.



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