Saturday, February 9, 2013

Star Melting in Hand



Begin doing what you want to do now.  We are not living in eternity.  We have only this moment a star in our hand ~ and melting like a snowflake ...
Frances Bacon Sr
"Begin doing what you want to do now" ... such sage wisdom.  I crave spiritual solitude.  Stuart Wilde describes spiritual solitude as  "... living your own life, living your own beliefs and just not  telling others what it is you do.  Once you develop that kind of originality and belief in yourself, what others think and do will not bother you.  You will be happy if they go their own way.  Moreover, you will prove your love by leaving them alone, will you not?" He supports the idea it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as it works you.
When I started to become less religious and more spiritual, I felt called to explore ancient wisdom, philosophers and poets, and eastern cultures.  My spiritual beliefs kept stretching and growing, bringing a deeper meaning into my life.  For years my reading was kept private and I had no idea I was following a spiritual path.  I was on a very personal road of discovery t difficult to share with others.
In time, I began to claim to be a very spiritual person, not religious.  This raised eyebrows, but this only challenged me more.  For years I learned from reading, knowing no one personally who held the same beliefs.  I attended large scale presentations in more liberal communities and was comforted to know that I was not alone, nor had I fallen off some edge of sanity.
Years later, I met a woman who became my mentor.  She had been leading a spiritual life for a very long time and was willing to share her visions with me.  She introduced me to other like minded people and extended my resources for additional exploring.  With validation, I eagerly moved further along the spiritual path.
It took a long time to integrate my spiritual life with my professional life, but I was so much more peaceful by doing so.  There was real strength in presenting as who I truly was and not hiding any parts of myself.  This gave me additional courage to seek even farther as there was always joy in discovering how ancient and simple my beliefs really were.
These last few years have escorted me to even a higher awareness.  I no longer describe my self so much as a seeker, as I have reduced looking outside of my self. My contemplations are more about examining what I hold dear within me.  I seem to be able to sit still and let knowledge just be absorbed and hopefully portrayed in my daily actions.  Wisdom seems to float into my head when I least expect it.  When I am watching others or sharing with friends, a deeper understanding comes to mind ... not necessarily to be shared, but to be aware of the battles we all face.
I do feel as though the "star in my hand is melting" but there is no sadness.  There is just a peaceful desire to continue to stretch and grow, to observe and absorb, to love and be loved.

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