Thursday, February 28, 2013

Continue Moving

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance,
you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein

My father taught me how to ride a bike.  I had a little bit of difficulty weaning my self away from by lovely blue trike with the well worn smooth pedals.  With my father's encouragement, I boarded my sister's old Schwinn two wheeler with great anxiety.  I repeated his words of direction over and over,  "Don't look back.  Keep pedaling.  Balance is the key.  It is easy!"

With these words spinning in my head, I felt my father steady me on top of the bike.  I knew he was holding the bike upright and that my part had yet to begin.  Next he was running beside me, shouting, "Use the pedals.  Move your legs!"  It was challenging to keep my feet on the pedals that were already moving without me. 

I suddenly realized my father's voice was no longer in my ear.  So I turned around, ignoring directions, and saw him standing a half of a block behind me.  WOW! I was moving and doing this all by my self.  My confidence picked up and I was sailing.  Sailing that is, until I hit the corner realizing I wasn't quite so sure how to turn.  I cut the corner too close and fell into the freshly grass seeded lot with the sprinklers running.  The bike and I quickly turned to mud.

In Key West, there are bicycles everywhere and every color of the rainbow.  Some bikes are rented and they are easy to spot as the bikes are a solid color and the helmet protected rider has white knuckled the handlebars. A Key West resident rides a bike full of splattered colors or partially rusted.  They almost always have a basket on front for their dog (Saw one bike rider with their cat in an arm sling strung across the chest.)  and baskets in the back for groceries and such.  Bikes are uniquely decorated in ways that make one laugh out loud, as  the bicyclist moves in and out of traffic with  out one sign of fear.  Women wear dresses, bathing suits, or surprisingly formal attire as they zig and zag down the streets.  Wind blows through their hair, their skirts flutter, and  on their faces are looks of childhood delight. 

For many here in Key West, a bicycle is better transportation than a car.  There is virtually no place to park, the saltwater air rusts everything out, and the tourist traffic is horrendous.  The cars on the streets are  high end , like a BMW, Lexus, or sport car. Then there are tons of Mini Coopers that are ever so fun, especially the convertibles.   Many motorcycles make themselves loud and clear.  They are a definite part of the landscape, but so is the scooter!  There are scooters dodging in and out of everywhere.

The highly decorated bicycles trigger the free spirit in everyone.  They are a symbol of innocence, fun , and freedom. They bring back memories of friends, laughter and adventure. Hearing the cha-ching, cha-ching  of those round silver handlebar bells makes me years lighter and happier.

Just like a bicyclist, we need to keep our balance and keep moving.  Since I don't even walk straight, I think I'll keep my feet as the best mode of transportation.  I will continue moving, striving for balance in spite of challenge.

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