Friday, July 13, 2012

What We Need to Know

All religions, arts and sciences
are branches of the same tree.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 and died in 1955 leaving an abundance of discovery, insight, and knowledge behind him.  He was a Nobel Prize winner and had been highly honored in his field of work.   I do not relate well to anything scientific as my strengths seem to be in English, literature, and the written word.  So it comes as a bit of a surprise to me when I am so drawn to Albert Einstein's quotes (not his scientific theories), in reference to life itself.

When expressing my own beliefs about life, I usually say that we are all traveling to the same place, just in different vehicles.  It doesn't matter which vehicle we are in, as long as we are making the journey.  We will each experience life in differing ways, some in the fast lane while others will be on country lanes.  The journey is just as important as arriving at the chosen destination.   No matter how we term our final resting place or destination,  I do believe we will all see each other there. 

Minds evolve and science advances, but ancient spiritual teachings have survived centuries.  Languages may not be the same, and writers may have their own interpretations, but basically, in my opinion, there really is just one resource or one original author.  The Divine speaks to all of us.

It matters to me if you believe in the goodness of all people, remembering that we are all children of God/Spirit/Universe.  Respecting diversity is also important, just as honoring the sacred within is imperative.

It does not matter which path has been chosen, as long as we find ourselves upon a path.  If we but open our hearts, our  minds, and our spirits, we will discover what we need to know!

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