Monday, July 2, 2012

LIfe Gets in the Way

It is never too late
to become the person
you might have been.

George Elliot

We can have the most excellent plan, everything nailed down
to the last task of the to do list, when life saunters in changing everything.  We can have created the most beautiful dream job or built a dream come true home, when life manages to interrupt wisking dreams away.  Life gets in the way.

At the thundersous moment when life shakes our world as we have known it, we may feel crushed and unwilling to pick up the pieces to begin once again.  In time, however, we all seem to brush our selves off and begin life's journey best that we can.

We are like the boulder by the ocean.  Lessons of life wash over us continuously smoothing our edges and minutely changing our form.  Lesson by lesson we become washed and cleansed by the on going waves of life.

If passion remains to accomplish your heart's desire, find a way to bring it into reality.  Even though life gets in the way, it doesn't mean that desire needs to be squashed.  Life might be saying the time is not right, or the approach is all wrong or more information is needed. 

Life intends to create change or a different outcome.  When our hopes are dashed, it doesn't necessarily mean forever.  As time passses, when we carefully examine what went awry, we will intuit on our own, that the result we had planned would never have materialized for a now obvious reason.  A reason we might not have ever seen at the past moment of unraveling.

Life gets in the way as the natural course of living.  We are not being punished or judged, we are simply being groomed through the lessons presented.  Life is not trying to beat us down, but rather present multiple ways for us to experience the necessary lessons which with resilience, we become the person we had wanted to become.  It is never too late!

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