Thursday, October 10, 2024

No Longer Sure Footed

"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur
when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy or unfulfilled."
M. Scott Peck

Life becomes an adventure when we recognize symbolic signs as they magically appear. Whether it is a word that consistently pops up or a recurring action, when we take heed, our curiosity kicks in. When guided off charted ground, we feel uncomfortable and vulnerable, but these are not reasons to stop.

Following our inner compass, we are lead to take reasonable risks, and sink deeply into wisdom, allowing doubt and speculation. Although we may not be sure footed, we wander rough terrain developing a true sense of who we are and whom we want to be. We form meaningful language for new communication.

Discovery is rarely a smooth paved road. There are rocks and boulders and perhaps a bit of swimming up stream. It may be tiresome and disorienting, but aligning with intuition, moving forward reaps rewards. Our outward journey is mirrored internally, developing a heightened sense of who we truly are meant to be. 


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