Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lesson In Discomfort


"Create with the heart; build with the mind."
Criss Jami

When powerful winds blow against us, we can either stand still while being broken or be flexible while bending. When we race full force ahead, nuances suggesting alternate courses can be overlooked. If our thinking is rigid with concrete expectations, we may miss out on directives from the Divine.

Transitioning is a process and unless our minds are open, we may become stagnant. There needs to be a balance between push and patience. Don't stop, but don't rush. By being open to possibilities, energy continues to resurface propelling us into new territories. Creating this rhythm lessens resistance and fosters clarity.

By being neutral when inventorying the self, there is less judgment. If something is uncomfortable, then explore why that is and learn to understand it. Often, we gain more through our discomfort as it leads to new insights and passageways. Place less energy in the outcome and more into what is a learning experience right before us.

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