Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Existence and Co-Existence


"By living intentionally and with consideration for all life,
you and I can make a better world."
Christine Easwaran

The gospels refer to the word agape which calls for a profound respect for other's values, transcendence of self-interest, and extending kindness in surrounding spaces. It is about being secure enough in your own existence that you can enjoy the belief systems of all peoples without judgment.

We have invested time in enhancing our personal lives, and there is a need to appreciate the diverse journeys taken by others. We are not all here for cookie cutter lives. Each of us has a unique ability to bring into existence, and in co-existence with others. When we can honor both ourselves as well as others, we deepen our human experience and that of others.

If we can hold space for others and silently observe, the realization of how we all struggle to untangle our driving emotional forces becomes apparent. There is a vast amount of information that remains hidden in all of us and life is a process of discovery. So let's provide kindness to all people, as they are very much like us.

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