Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bend, Don't Break

"I bend so I don't break."
Yoga Nut

In the world today, we are bombarded by opinions and resources, many of which are diverse to our personal viewpoint. It is important to not shut ourselves off from information, but to be selective of exposure. We will live a balanced life when we are flexible rather than using avoidance or isolation as a resolve.

The key is to sit and listen to what is being said. Relax the mind and let the words flow. Whatever is being shared does not have to impact our own life. Sift through the information, choosing what is beneficial and release the rest. If we are especially triggered, we may want to explore the origin of  reaction.

We may be faced with plans gone awry based on trauma whether physical, emotional or spiritual. When we can readjust our thinking and be open to improvement or change, we are less likely to break. We may need to pull back or zero in to discover pertinent actions. Determine what is needed and how best to achieve it.


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