Monday, October 7, 2024

Fostering Hope

"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey
toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us."
Samuel Smiles

In spite of our circumstances, we do better if we have something to look forward to. It can be anything from a silent hour on our porch to a lengthy stay at a favorite destination. Slowing down to notice a new growth on our plant or the frantic activities of a squirrel in the yard, generates a sense of peace.

Life is laced with hope.  Hope that we will make a difference, maintain health, or embrace love. When hope is kept alive, we are able to endure the heaviness of our day. No matter what we face, endurance is strengthened by believing positive shifts will be made. We all need something to aspire towards. 

A friend shared with me her routine of standing at the sink and allowing warm water to wash over her hands. She welcomes this cleansing and enjoys the sensation of each falling drop. It is symbolic for her, imagining that new beginnings foster hope. Without hope, we begin to wither away.

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