Sunday, October 13, 2024

Messages In Silence

"Prayer is talking to the Universe.
Meditation is listening to it."
Tao and Zen

It is often difficult to put our thoughts into words. Taking time is necessary to filter through our mindless inner chatter and uncover our core emotions. Honesty in search of unbiased clarity can unearth questions without answers. Then we turn to the Divine or the Universe asking for direction.

Unfortunately, we do not listen for the answers when they do not immediately appear. We may miss incoming wisdom if we are wanting resolution to be equated to our already formed opinion. Our perception of response may be too limited, disallowing answers to take shape of diverse people, places and things.

Rather than be short sighted, we must gather information that can be applied to not only the present moment, but also to extended time. As we step back, perhaps then we can see the bigger picture, giving reason to layers of application that now seem irrelevant. It is when we sit quietly and pay attention to various messengers that we can prosper.


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