Sunday, December 3, 2023

Silent Messages

"I listen with love to my body's messages."
Louise Hay 

When I am quiet and still, a voice inside of me speaks. I no longer puzzle over who it might be. The shared wisdom helps me to remember what is important and why I am walking on this earth. It reminds me to be determined with what is truly important, leaving judgments of others by the wayside.

When a creative idea surfaces, my ego points out failed attempts from my past. The whispering voice reminds me that this is the new present filled with possibilities. In the quiet, I can once again hear the word 'focus' which points me into the direction I truly yearn to be. In my mind's eye, I can see that it is only me standing in my way.

In order for my dreams to come true, I must transform my thoughts into reality. It is imperative to remember my authentic actions will not only provide for me, but will also touch the lives of others. When inner promptings are followed, I experience excitement and joy as I transition savoring the voice within.


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