Monday, December 11, 2023

Sadness Drips Away ...


"There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or
the mirror that reflects it."
Edith Wharton

Feeling lethargic, I grabbed a candle, my journal, and hot tea as I sank into my favorite chair. All was good in my life and I was facing the holidays with warm expectation. But there was something in my heart that was weighing me down. Accumulated sadness gained my attention as the faces of lost friends floated to the surface.

Becoming lost in the flame of my candle, I recalled the comfort of being with sisters of my heart who had been taken by death. There was comfort in knowing they were safely living in another dimension, and that we would join together another day. But in this moment, I missed their laughter, wisdom, and quirky ways.

There were a few more candles, so I ignited the flames of each, honoring my long time friends. As I did so, memories surfaced and it was as though they had joined me. My heart swelled, and the sadness dripped away. These were forever friends and I had simply 'lost' them in a physical way. Our hearts were still joined together on any given day.

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