Saturday, December 23, 2023

In Sickness And In Health

"Pain is a portal to transformation.
It does not knock politely."
Lucy H. Pearce

'Tis the season to be jolly, until you are not. Our emotions tend to be on a continuous roller coaster ride. One moment we are filled with a childlike glee, only to be followed by an unexpected blow to our fantasy. In the midst of relatives, we tip toe in an effort to avoid all invisible emotional landmines. 

This week originally designated for finalizing gifts, stocking up on groceries, and baking, became demolished as sickness crept in. The house is in disarray, wrapping paper patiently awaits the non-existent gifts,  and the oven remains stone cold. Company travels today, and the reality of not seeing anyone sadly exists. 

The sparkling miniature lights rekindle the promise that this too shall pass. Dancing flames of colorful candles warm the soul. One lethargic step follows an other, leading through this portal of holiday without cheer. These are the holidays, for better or worse, in sickness and health. On the horizon, surely awaits a New Year.


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