Monday, December 4, 2023

Facing Dilemma

"I must be willing to give up what I am
in order to become what I will be."
Albert Einstein

If we try to stop thinking about something, the subject matter explodes. When we try to minimize something, it simply expands in new areas. Why can't we shed darkness as easily as we slip off s scarf and gloves? Why can't the dirt of our past wash off in the shower as easily as garden soil? 

In other scenarios, we readily step up confident to assist others facing strife.  Then why is we cannot face our own dilemmas with the same conviction? While helping others find resolve, why can we not find our own way out of harm's way? Access to corrective action may be right before us, and yet we look the other way.

We set ourselves up for failure when we attempt to add new methods, but  leave the old in place. We must gut out the darkness, as it is in this process that light begins to shine. The slightest effort inches us forward. Call out to the stars in the sky, into the heavens where Divine resides. There is no need to do to this challenge alone.


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