Saturday, December 16, 2023

Life Within

"What surrounds us is what is within us."
T.F. Hodge

We may go days without stopping to observe our surroundings. We may take them for granted, not noticing how they no longer reflect who we are. We may have been on automatic pilot for so long, we neglect to see the beauty surrounding us and the energy bountifully awaiting recognition.

Monitoring emotions can generate positive reactions no matter what we are facing in the days before us. Crank up the tunes if we need an energy boost or play spa music if we need to slow down. Throw open the curtains and allow the light to stream in. Stick your head out the door and breathe in crisp fresh air. 

To illuminate our inner beings, take a moment to gauge what you feel and why. Determine what needs to be added or eliminated. Experience how we are limiting our view, overlooking what is right before us. Light a candle and get lost in the flame, dreaming of the life we deserve to create within us.

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