Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Intentional Movement

"Follow the urge to transition from one phase of your 
life to the next. Whether this is inside or outside work,
it's time for intentional transformation to take place."
Robin S. Baker

If we feel off center, it takes courage to open our hearts and trust the flow. To stay with a broken relationship or unfulfilling job, squelches possibilities meant to produce dreams come true. When we release the desire for revenge, and feelings of hopelessness, space for new beginnings broadens.

As things may fall apart, we can regard this as a time for testing and healing. If we remember that it is natural order for things to fall apart and then rebuild, movement forward can be exciting rather than fearful. It is important to hold space for grief, relief, and misery, but also for happiness and joy.

The key is to keep exploring, allowing space for our thoughts to take physical form. Often, what arises is not at all what we expected, but we remember that there is choice. Do not be discouraged, but rather rather open for new formations. If we feel stagnant, it is simply a sign for the need to let go of control, and trust in evolution of the human experience.

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