Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas To All ...

"... and to all a good night!"
Bronwen Evans

As the day unfolds, sift through the chaos and recognize wisps of joy. With the mind, reach out and grab these special moments, savoring them for the remaining tomorrows. If truly, none can be seen, fall back into stored memories, selecting a few to carry in the mind's eye. If loneliness persists, reach outside of the self or if chaos prevails, withdraw into the self.

Choice dictates our experience whether framed by action or perception. We may be unable to alter our circumstances, but we can gauge the ebb and flow. It is ironic that when we extend kindness to others, our spirits lift. So happiness is not exclusively found in incoming gifts, but equally perpetuated by what we freely give away.

Release expectation, finding acceptance in how things unfold. Whether we are orchestrating or spectating, just let things be. Expand the love residing in your heart to recapture the sense of new birth and innocence perpetuated upon this day. Hold positive images and experience anticipation for the highest good coming your way. Let this truly be a  holy night!


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