Monday, December 18, 2023

Holdiay Energy Drain


"Take time off to replenish your energy and recharge your soul."
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

There may be so much going on that we can lose our enthusiasm for the events presenting before us. We may have set our expectations too high and now the challenges are overwhelming us. We can be so unrealistic, our energy is spent and our passion no longer generates supportive vibrations.

With increased activities, our schedules need to shift. Normal routines may need to be altered. It is impossible for us to have increased expectations without an adjustment to our energy flow. Our expectations may be overriding our current flow and without intervention, we will suffer emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

It is interesting that when preparation for the holidays arrive, the first place we cut back is in our personal support. Once again, we begin to view our nurturing upkeep as frivolous and begin to eliminate the very activities that are needed for support. It is imperative that we learn to ask for help which allows others to share in the Christmas Spirit.

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