Friday, December 29, 2023


"Even in the midst of our confusion, and disorder,
we can have an epiphany."
Marc Gafni

The New Year approaches, so it is time to shed our false selves and become realigned with who we have always been meant to be. Releasing illusions of who we thought we were supposed to be or who others declared we aught to be, and face a clean slate offering a vivid concept of life purpose.

Create a safe space adorned with objects deemed to be sacred. Light candles, play gentle music, and be as comfortable as possible. Behind closed eyes, let visions surface moving both in and out.  Notice how you can release the confines of the body, and simply float away into the infinity of light.

You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are a soul experiencing life force on earth. Observe as though you have just arrived and begin to recall what led you to be here. Sit in this silence of presence and begin to understand the unspoken words that were charted across your mission statement eons ago. This is the epiphany you have been waiting for!


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