Monday, March 19, 2018

The World Becomes An Orchestra

  "Sometimes an artist's first invention is herself,"
    Stephanie Vaughn

In the first part of life we are free to exercise our wild imaginations.  Then we step into the line of conformity with efforts to become just like everyone else.  Eventually, we realize we have to express our lovely self in our very own way.

As multi faceted human beings, imprints are made by grandma's cooking or mom's quilting or the gardener living next door.  There is no need to sterilize what has touched our hearts, but we indeed are called to accent our authentic sense of self.  

Once we organize our individual parts, we designate a way to infiltrate life with our personal touch.  Whether it is music, art, or kindness, we are asked to be accountable in sharing the unique quality with others.  We learn from each other and as we combine all peoples gifts and talents, the world becomes an orchestra!

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