Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Incentives of Mother Nature

"A garden is a grand teacher.
It teaches patience and careful watchfulness;
it teaches industry and thrift;
above all it teaches entire trust."
Gertrude Jekyll

In conversation with an expectant father, he excitedly shared, "I can hardly wait for the baby to unfold.  To discover what gifts he or she brings into this world!"  The children of today would be infinitely different if they were raised with this encouraging and supportive attitude.  Like a dedicated gardener,  perhaps.

Labor, the tight passage through the soil with the gardener calling the new creation to push!  Breaking ground, the sprout turns into a stalk as the gardener consistently checks the soil and protects the newbies from inclement weather.  There is no mantra of the necessity to be multi colored or short or tall or a climbing vine.  The gardener watches with glee.

The gardener longs for all plants to be healthy, carefully adding to the soil or pruning when necessary.  The day to day dedication and patient longing with bursts of love encourages the flowers, plants, and bushes to thrive.  The added bonus is to take notice of who becomes attracted: magnificent butterflies,  or amazing hummingbirds.  Parents would do well to follow the incentives of Mother Nature. 

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