Saturday, March 24, 2018

Nurturing with Nature

"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun,
heart with nature.  To nurture a garden is to feed not just 
on the body, but the soul."
Alfred Austin

There is something therapeutic about gardening.  Digging into the rich soil, our hands join in some unspoken union.  The connection with the dirt tends to make us feel more alive while the sun warms our crown.

Then there is the joy of deciding what to plant and where.  Some gardeners lean towards a highly structured and organized planting that will take over life from spring to fall.  Then there are the gardeners spreading vibrant colors hoping to attract humming birds and butterflies.  Truly, this is the heart of the matter ... nurturing with nature.

With this activity comes a shifting of the soul.  We feel more positive with the hope of planting new things.  We anticipate watching the tiny buds push up in search of light.  Thriving, with appropriate tender care, manifestation of life unfolds before our eyes as our souls soar.

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