Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Embrace the Forthcoming New!

"Not being impressed by anyone or anything is
one of the surest paths to a life of mediocrity."
Wayne Gerard Trotman

If we look for the gift in the people we meet, we leave little room for criticism and judgment.  To gaze into the eyes and listen carefully to the spoken word, we move closer to the unveiling unique spirits.  Authenticity recognized by simply being present, enables the other to thrive.

There is a cycle in nature of release, rest, and unfold.  Like the caterpillar, we need to shed our protective covering and boldly expand our wings.  The trees release their leaves to hibernate, awakening after winter to sprout new growth.  As human beings, we are much the same.

This season of spring invites us to discard, clean, and refurbish both physically and emotionally.  It is an opportunity to find a better mind set, project, or friend.  To embrace the new, one must clear a path to welcome newness in.  Shed the winter cloaks and open the heart to embrace the forthcoming new!

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