Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Self Discovery Leads to A New You!

"I believe that true identity is found ... in creative activity
springing from within.  It is found, paradoxically, when 
one loses oneself.  Woman can best refind herself in some
kind of creative activity of her own."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

You can research any subject, position yourself in classes or work as an assistant to an established mentor; but, until you begin to practice solo, you will not evolve.  You can use the work of others as a template to be redefined by your own creativity; otherwise, it is clearly plagiarism.

Barriers preventing you from moving forward are low self-esteem, fear of criticism, minimizing authentic gifts, and stepping out of our comfort zone.  If the idea of beginning is too overwhelming, engage a friend to begin with you.  Paint, draw, sew, or invent with a kindred spirit which assists both of you in motivation and determination.

Adjust expectation and use flexible deadlines, staying in the moment and allowing the project to unfold.  The process itself is to be enjoyed, not pushed through.  Creative activity is an opportunity for you to release unrecognized abilities within.  There is no need to become a master, as each experience may lead you to another.  Live fully expressing who you are within.

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