Friday, March 30, 2018

Offerings of All Things

"Discovery consists of looking at the same thing
as everyone else and thinking something different."
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

We have a tendency to dull our senses and begin to see everything as ordinary.  We feel  others are seeing what we are seeing.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Experiment with this challenge by your lovely self or engage a family member or circle of friends.

Challenge:  Select an object.  (It can be a flower, rock, book, picture, etc... )  It is not necessary for it to have any special meaning.  Hold the object or set it near by and look at it.  Gently begin to see defining marks never noticed before.  Set it to the side and do not look at it again until considerable time has passed.

Once again look at this same object.  What is different?  What had not been noticed before?  Has it increased in value or lessened?  If when held, does it change in any way?  This exercise is enhanced if notes are jotted down at each viewing to receive the full benefit of change.  (In a group, observe the object once, write a description down, then share the findings. It is amazing how answers will differ.)
Slow down and notice the offerings of all things.

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