Saturday, April 1, 2017

Trust and Peaceful Living

"Some people can't be fooled on April Fool's Day
because they were fooled too many times during
their entire lifetime." 
Akash B Chandran

With a perfectly straight face, I thoroughly enjoy telling a person a tale while looking them straight in the eyes.  I like to see their facial expressions change, watch the eyes grow larger and hear the catch in their breath.  Then I quickly tell them "Just kidding," and watch them break into laughter.

The tricks life has played on me have not been as much fun.  When the heart is open, I am quite vulnerable to the falsehoods of others.  Fortunately, as my intuition developed I was able to detect a level of truthfulness.  Insight into a person's nature also helped me to detect truth tellers.

What is that saying: "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  As life runs its crazy course, any day could be April Fool's Day.  Deception will often be followed by, "I really didn't mean it," or the sting of sarcasm followed by "I was just kidding!"  I must hold myself responsible to be a truth teller on every day.  It builds trust and peaceful living.

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