Saturday, April 8, 2017

Reaction Determines Outcome

"Dwell on the beauty of life.
Watch the stars, and see
yourself running with them."
Marcus Aurelius

The young boy accidentally tossed his baseball too close to the house, cracking the kitchen window.  "Oh no," he thought, "Mom is going to be furious!"  When he heard the screen door slam, he immediately began to cry.  The mother, silently came to his side and cradled him in her arms.  She said, "Look Aaron, see how the glass is cracked?"  He slowly raised his tear stained face and looked into his mom's smiling eyes.  "Isn't that amazing?  Look at that design," the kind mother exclaimed.

This small event could have left a small wound in the child's memory had the mother not treated the incident with kindness.  Acknowledging a negative situation, while focusing on the positive, we can minimize drama and transition with kindness.

Life is continuously altered by events and our reaction determines the outcome.  If we look for the beauty in life and share it with others through our actions,  darkness begins to fade and the light from the stars lead the way.  

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