Saturday, April 22, 2017

Editing Self Concept

"Childhood plays a critical role in forming
our final version of self-concept."
Kilroy J. Oldster

Aspects of childhood surface throughout our lives, trying to rekindle original passions or dreams.  Segments of discarded interests pop up nudging our imaginations to reconnect,  This is also true with trauma, no matter how slight, as it is easily stirred by any remote similarity.

In spite of intention, as children, we assume ownership of any hardship to befall.  "If I had been a better child ... If I had not gone outside ... If I had loved harder ... " are inner thoughts festered by false teachings of a punishing God.  

If we believe we are at the core of any disaster, we will assume responsibility for most anything occurring in our life.  It is when we finally  release child like expectations and embrace core instincts, we move forward in editing our healthy and unlimited self-concept.


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