Friday, April 7, 2017

Extent of Ability

"The most intriguing people you will encounter 
in this life are the people who had insights about you, 
that you didn't know about yourself."
Shannon L. Alder

Our unique abilities often are taken for granted.   We assume everyone works at our level of skill and cease to value the extent of our ability.  We tend to minimize complements and tell ourselves people are just being nice.  Then one day, a person takes issue with our gift and disallows us to shrug off the attention.

A sincere observation shared out loud can deepen the listener's understanding of self.  Once brought to attention, a person can begin to explore how deeply this vein of talent flows through them.  This history encourages them to go deeper and be more expansive with their gift.

When we follow a personal calling, our creativity increases our confidence and also enriches the lives of others.  As a person of interest, we can use our voice in a sincere way when we are aware of the strength of one other.  Simple things like:  "Your work is taking on a greater reflection of who you are," or "You seem to take small scraps of metal and create sculpture." The key is to be selective and sincere.  The results are uplifting for all involved.

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