Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Waiting to be Disvovered

"The beauty of this day
doesn't depend on its lasting forever."  
Marty Rubin

We yearn to have beauty in our life and when our heart comes upon it, we want to capture it forever.  We desire for the infant to remain a baby or the flowering tree to never shed its blossoms.   Disappointment follows, leaving us with a sense of loss.

Beauty, however, comes in all sizes and colors.  There is beauty in every moment and none of it is meant to last forever.  We can capture a memory, but our minds need to move on to discover the magic in the next moment no matter how great or small.  

If we can view life as a non-stop flowing of beauty, we are uplifted by its current throughout our day.  Appreciation for the struggling ant laboriously working its way back to the hill or the unfolding of a lovely orange tulip.  Find humor in the stack of books still waiting to be given away, being thankful for the inspiration they triggered.  While washing dishes find amusement in the soap bubbles or the warmth of the water upon both hands.  In each moment, there is a stroke of beauty just waiting to be discovered.

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