Thursday, April 6, 2017

Mystery of Human Psychology

"Human psychology is the most mysterious
thing in the world."
Munia Khan

There are two parts to my self or so it does seem:  1. There is the well educated highly experienced and dedicated problem solver;  and 2.  The wounded emotional hot mess hidden behind my journey for actualized freedom and love.  

I could say my professional self is my light and my personal life the dark, except I have found both light and dark in either scenario.  The imagined structure between the two parts collapses from time to time and parts blend together and surface in differing disarray.

It is with surrender both the weak and the strength blend together.  There is brilliance in feeling whole in spite of lacking perfection.  It is through our pain we discover forgiveness producing love ... for the self.  Yes, love must begin with the self.

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